Sunday, October 30, 2011

Moving On, a less radical form of activism is a liberal site dedicated to motivating the liberal segments of the population to support legislation and political figures that align with their ideals. Unlike the groups mentioned in previous weeks, Moveon is presented in a much more legitimate fashion. The site overall is a meeting ground for liberals to collaborate and support eachother in their causes. Most recently, as can be seen on the website, the focus of and liberals in general has been the Occupy movement, an effort described as an attempt to bring change to a broken system that promotes economic and social inequality at the cost of a majority of the population. Other issues subject to the scrutiny of include the semi-recent Healthcare bill as well as gay marriage. As a political entity, Moveon's radical nature is not compounded with questionable actions such as Anonymous (which has been incredibly active recently, targetting Fox News and a Mexican Drug Cartel). The existence of a website such as this is a testament to the increasing relevance in technology in society and government.


1 comment:

  1. is an inspiring example of how the Internet can be used in politics without breeding ideological extremism. Although it is, by its inherent nature, a website with a defined political orientation, it clearly defines that orientation and presents information in a fair and factual manner. It's a reminder that, in an era of unchecked "facts," extremely aggressive punditry, and trolling, it is possible to use the Internet as a vehicle for reasonable political discourse.
